текст песни Yes Man OST Всегда говори Да, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

Yes Man OST Всегда говори Да от певеца Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva

Песня: Yes Man (OST Всегда говори Да)

Сколько длится: 03:11

Текст песни просмотрен: 488

Понравилось?: 0

Скачать песню в mp3

Все песни певца Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva

Вот текст песни:

Click click
Got you in the moment stuck in grey
Tough shit
There’s so many of you in up the sink
Come on get on
Riding moment the right time
This is it
Is your love changing or is it mine

Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine
Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine

Could this be it
I like to think my mind could change our die
Just stick with it
See’s something different deep in your eyes
Cut the shit
Dishonesty could be my demine
Who you kidding?
Let’s make it Your place or how bout mine?

Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine
Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine

Let’s go for a ride
Come on
Let’s go for a ride

Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine
Yes man
Let’s go for a ride
There’s so many lanes that we could try
There are so many rules no need to obey
Throw my helmet on hold on tight
Oh yeah you’re mine oh mine

Let’s go for a ride
Come onnn
Let’s go for a ride
Come onnn
Let’s go for a ride

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