текст песни Grow Old With Me, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

Grow Old With Me от певеца Tom Odell - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: Tom Odell

Песня: Grow Old With Me

Сколько длится: 03:03

Текст песни просмотрен: 550

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Все песни певца Tom Odell

Вот текст песни:

I can feel you breathing
With your hair on my skin
As we lie here within our bed

I pull the sheets
When it's cold on your feet
Just fall back to sleep in the night

Grow old with me
Let us share what we see
Oh the best it could be
You and I

Our hands they might age
And our bodies will change
But the rest will remain ours

We'll still sing our song
When our hair ain't so blonde
We'll prove them wrong
You and I

Grow old with me
Let us share what we see
Oh the best it could be
Just you and I

The hairs, they stand up
My feet start to thump
Yeah the feeling is dreaming will rise

You'll be the one
Make me hard, make me calm
Make me feel like I'm real and alive

Yeah grow old with me
Let us share what we see
Oh the best it could be
Just you and I


Tom Odell - Grow Old with Me at BBC Children in Need Rocks 2013

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