текст песни Bust Your Window, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

Bust Your Window от певеца крутая песня из шаг в перёд - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: крутая песня из шаг в перёд

Песня: Bust Your Window

Сколько длится: 04:26

Текст песни просмотрен: 715

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Все песни певца крутая песня из шаг в перёд

Вот текст песни:

I bust the windows out ya car
And no it didn't mend my broken heart
I'll probably always have these ugly scars
But right now I don't care about that part

I bust the windows out ya car
After I saw you laying next to her
I didn't wanna but I took my turn
I'm glad I did it cause you had to learn...

I must admit it helped a little bit
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn't know that I had that much strength
But I'm glad you see what happens when...

You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don't mean it
You'll probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile

I bust the windows out ya car
You know I did it cause I left my mark
Wrote my initials with the crow bar
And then I drove off into the dark

I bust the windows out ya car
You should feel lucky that that's all I did
After five whole years of this bullshit
Gave you all of me and you played with it

Oooh ahh...
I must admit it helped a little bit
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn't know that I had that much strength
But I'm glad you see what happens when...

You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don't mean it
You'll probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile

But it don't comfort to my broken heart
You could never feel how I felt that day
Until it happens baby you don't know pain

Oooh Yeah I did it (Yeah I did it)
You should know it (You should know it)
I ain't sorry (I ain't sorry)
You deserved it (You deserved it)

After what you did (After what you did)
You deserved it (You deserved it)
I ain't sorry (I ain't sorry) no no oh... (I ain't sorry)

You broke my heart
So I broke ya car
You caused me pain (You caused me pain)
So I did the same

Even though all that you did to me was much worse
I had to do something to make you hurt yeah
Oh but why am I still cryin'?
Why am I the one who’s still cryin'?

Oh you really hurt me baby
You really you really hurt me baby
Hey, hey, hey now watch me you
I bust the windows out ya car...

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