текст песни Don't You Know, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

Don't You Know от певеца Geezer GZR, Geezer Butler - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: Geezer (GZR, Geezer Butler)

Песня: Don't You Know

Сколько длится: 04:57

Текст песни просмотрен: 521

Понравилось?: 0

Скачать песню в mp3

Все песни певца Geezer (GZR, Geezer Butler)

Вот текст песни:

Don't you know what you mean to me
You see me in the darkness
The unforgiving loneliness

Don't you know...
You see me in my helpless hour

Don't you know...
I'm living here in darkness
The unavading loneliness

Don't you know...
I'm living in my helpless hour

Can't you wait just another day
I'm trying to make it through this
Abyss of loneliness

Can't you wait...
It's taking all of my power

Can't you wait...
I'm dying to get through this
The unavading loneliness

Can't you wait...
The situation is now dire

You gotta believe in me
You have to
You gotta believe in me

I'm waiting, surrounded so alone
I'm waiting, outside the comfort zone
I'm waiting, where all my thoughts are sewn
Surrounded, yet so alone

Every day, it's the same living in the hours of the hate
I display and it's taking over

Don't you know what you mean to me
I need you in the darkness
To empathize my loneliness

Don't you know...
I'm dying in my helpless hour

Don't you know...
Take away the darkness and give me back my happiness

Don't you know....
And aid me in my helpless hour

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