текст песни Bright Lights, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

Bright Lights от певеца Gary Clark Jr. - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: Gary Clark Jr.

Песня: Bright Lights

Сколько длится: 05:12

Текст песни просмотрен: 528

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Все песни певца Gary Clark Jr.

Вот текст песни:

Wake up in New York City
Lying on the floor
Just outside of Marcy's - West 54 “wow”
You gonna know my name by the end of the night “well”
You gonna know my name by the end of the night “well”
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
I don’t care no, no
You don’t care
Start up with the bottle
End it up with the bottle
Taking shots, waiting for tomorrow
Trying to fill up, was hollow
You gonna know my name
You gonna know my name
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
I don’t care no, no
Cause you don’t care
Get lost in this city trying to find myself
I woke up with different versions
Came down somebody else
I know it ain´t right
But its song in my head
Wow I’m surprised
I’m still alive I should breathe in
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
Bright lights, big city going to my head
I don’t care no, no
You don’t care
You gonna know my name
You gonna know my name
You gonna know my name
You gonna know my name by the end of the night, well…


Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights

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