текст песни I Love To Hate You, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

I Love To Hate You от певеца Erasure - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: Erasure

Песня: I Love To Hate You

Сколько длится: 03:58

Текст песни просмотрен: 768

Понравилось?: 0

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Все песни певца Erasure

Вот текст песни:

I'm crazy flowing over with ideas
A thousand ways to woo a lover so sincere
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers up and down my spine

For every Casanova that appears
My sense of hesitation disappears
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers up and down my spine

And the lovers that you sent for me
Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee
So I return them to the sender
And the note attached will read
How I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you

Oh you really still expect me to believe
Every single letter I receive
Sorry you what a shameful situation
Sending shivers up and down my spine

Oh I like to read of murder mystery
I like to know the killer isn't me
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers make me quiver
Feel it sliver up and down my spine



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