текст песни My Life For Hire, а так же слушать и качать онлайн свободно в mp3.

My Life For Hire от певеца A Day To Remember - одно из лучших произведений автора. Истинный шедевр, которым можно наслаждаться весь день. Тем не менее у нас на сайте есть ещё много разных музыкальных произведений, которые так же заслуживают вашего внимания.

Певец: A Day To Remember

Песня: My Life For Hire

Сколько длится: 03:33

Текст песни просмотрен: 579

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Все песни певца A Day To Remember

Вот текст песни:

Somebody give me a sign,
That everything's going as planned,
And then everything falls away,
Into the darkness of this shallow place.
The detail is striking,
The room's cold and frightening,
You'll kick and you'll scream,
You'll try everything to survive,
But you should know your fate by now.

They told me (they told me)
How I should be,
But I broke the mold somehow!

It's too late, too late.
You keep trying to resolve the past right now,
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done to me.

You, you know you gotta assert yourself,
Leave what you need for now,
It's not the time or place you're searching for.
All I can give them's my worst of intentions.
You're nothing to me and everyone can see that
Your life's a lie, there's nowhere left to hide.

They told me (they told me)
How I should be,
But I broke the mold somehow!

It's too late, too late.
You keep trying to resolve the past right now,
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done

It's too late, too late.
You keep trying to resolve the past right now,
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done

Watch your back, you'll lose yourself!
This is a battleground!
When will they know,

Your life's a lie.

It's too late, too late.
You keep trying to resolve the past right now,
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done

It's too late, too late.
You keep trying to resolve the past right now,
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done

They told me (they told me)
How I should be,
But I broke the mold somehow!


A Day To Remember - My Life For Hire (Lyrics + High Quality)

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